*** The House of Ptolemy ***
The House of Ptolemy portal has been selected by the Discovery Channel School, Britanica.com: Encyclopædia Britannica's Internet Guide, Webivore Knowledge Systems, and GeoHistory as a valued Internet resource.
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reference reading list.
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An aid in the study of the Ptolemaic (Macedonian-based Greek), Roman Imperial (Greco-Roman), and Byzantine rulers of Egypt based in Alexandria, this portal site is intended for all classicists and students of Hellenistic history. The House of Ptolemy web site concentrates on the Ptolemies and their world, from 331 - 30 BCE. However, since the histories of Greek rule and subsequent Roman rule overlap (and do so again later with Byzantine rule) this site includes Roman rule in Egypt, and the Byzantine rule that followed. During this almost 1000 years the dominant culture ['Hellenistic'] started as a Greek core with added native Egyptian and other foreign elements. These elements were both blended and kept distinctly separate, sometimes overlying the Greek core incompletely so that today scholars can focus on the Greek facets, the native Egyptian facets, the other outside influences, or all of these together when they discuss The House of Ptolemy and its legacies.
The House of Ptolemy Web Site is an annotated information portal. Citations are presented generally with some comment. In a few cases minor web offerings or publications may be treated with (almost) the same importance as the most important and eloquent web offerings. However, I will try if at all possible to direct the viewer to the web sites or pages that present quality information. There are some descriptions of the linked materials (abstracts) to use but in some cases you might have to glean the content of a web publication just from its title or URL.
With these caveats I hope this web-focused bibliographic hub can be an aid in your research.
Please feel free to contact me with any comments or new web sites to include.
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Historical Overviews of Ptolemaic Egypt
Bibliographic Notes
[ Work in Process ]
Maps showing Ptolemaic Egypt
Ptolemaic Numismatics
Ptolemy I,
Ptolemy II,
Ptolemy III,
Ptolemy IV,
Ptolemy V,
Ptolemy VI,
Ptolemy VII,
Ptolemy VIII,
Ptolemy IX,
Ptolemy X,
Ptolemy XI,
Ptolemy XII,
Cleopatra VII/Mark Antony,
Juba II/Cleopatra Selene
Bibliographic Notes on the Coinage of the Ptolemaic Empire
Work in Process
Prolog: Foundation of the House of Ptolemy
Bibliographic Notes
The House of Ptolemy: Kings, Queens, and the Rest of the Royal Ptolemies
The Ptolemaic King List
The Ptolemaic Royal Titles
Ptolemaic Genealogy List
Writings on the Rulers
Bibliographic Notes
Caesar, Cleopatra, and Marcus Antonius: The Transition to a Greco-Roman (Roman Provincial) Egypt
Historical Overviews
Bibliographic Notes
21 Aug 2001
Numismatic Notes on Cleopatra, Antony & Caesar
Work in Process
Alexandria Ad Aegyptum -- The City
The Pharos (Lighthouse) at Alexandria
The Museum at Alexandria
The Library at Alexandria
The Sema: Tomb of Alexander the Great
The Necropoleis at Alexandria
Bibliographic Notes
Work in Process
Ptolemaic Egypt and its Culture
The Literate
The Rosetta Stone
Bibliographic notes: Rosetta Stone
Art and Architechture
Sciences and Mathematics
Snapshots of Daily Life
Bibliographic Notes
The Ptolemaic Rule over Egypt: The Chora -- Outside of Alexandria or the Greek Cities
Bibliographic Notes
The Ptolemaic Empire Outside of Egypt
General Works
The Aegean
Asia Minor
Bibliographic Notes
The Hellenistic World Outside of the Ptolemaic Realms
Bibliographic Notes
The Ptolemies and the Judeo-Christian Bible
Bibliographic Notes
The Jews of Ptolemaic and Greco-Roman Egypt
Philo of Alexandria
- Philo of Alexandria
- Electronically published articles on Philo; Articles from the Ioudaios e-mail conference listserver
Jews and Judaism in the Greco-Roman Diaspora
Bibliographic Notes
Historical Overviews of Greco-Roman Egypt (30 BCE - 312 CE)
--- Bibliographic Notes: Historical Overviews of Greco-Roman Egypt
The Roman Rulers of Egypt
--- The Usurpers
--- Bibliographic Notes: The Roman Rulers of Egypt
Roman Imperial (Greco-Roman) Numismatics
Bibliographic Notes on Roman Imperial (Greco-Roman) Numismatics
Work in Process
Alexandria Ad Aegyptum: The Greco-Roman City
The City in Greco-Roman Times
The Pharos (Lighthouse) at Alexandria
--- Bibliographic Notes: The Pharos (Lighthouse) at Alexandria
The Museum at Alexandria in Greco-Roman Times
--- Bibliographic Notes: The Museum at Alexandria
The Library at Alexandria
--- Bibliographic Notes: Library at Alexandria
Work in Process
Greco-Roman Egypt and its Culture
The Literate
Art and Architechture
Sciences and Mathematics
Snapshots of Daily Life
Work in Process
The Greco-Romans of Alexandria and their Religions: Christian Church History (30 BCE - 312 CE)
Christian Church Fathers: Athanasius, Origen, Clement
The Arians and Arianism
The Copts
--- Bibliographic Notes: Christian Church History (30 BCE - 312 CE)
The Jews of Greco-Roman Egypt
Josephus and his portraits of Alexandria and her Jewish community
Jews and Judaism in the Greco-Roman Diaspora
--- Bibliographic Notes: The Jews of Greco-Roman Egypt
Roman Rule over Egypt: The Chora -- Outside of Alexandria or the Greek Cities
Egypt After Diocletian: Byzantine Egypt
Overviews of Byzantine Egypt
--- Bibliographic Notes: Historical Overviews of Byzantine Egypt (ca. 312 to 641 CE)
Christian Churches in Egypt
The Literate
Maths & Sciences
--- Bibliographic Notes: Maths & Sciences in Byzantine Egypt
Daily Life
Numismatic Notes: Articles and Guides on the Coins of Byzantine Egypt (Mint of Alexandria: 312 - 640 CE)
--- Bibliographic Notes: Byzantine Alexandria Numismatics
The Arab Conquest of Egypt
Work in Process
AFTERWARD: The Lasting Legacy
Bibliographic Notes
Articles and Guides on the Coins and Stamps of Egypt (After 1800 CE)
Works in Process
The House of Ptolemy has been selected by the Discovery Channel School, eBLAST: Encyclopædia Britannica's Internet Guide, Webivore Knowledge Systems, and GeoHistory as a valued Internet resource;
see our awards.
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This page is a work in progress: it is constantly evolving and (one hopes!) improving.
Page created by: Adam D. Philippidis:
Send e-mail to me
All files constituting The House of Ptolemy web site © Copyright 1997-2010 Adam D. Philippidis.
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URL http://www.houseofptolemy.org
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Changes last made to this page on: 14-Feb-2002 (12:40 AM)